Free Coloring Book for The Sculptors Knife Cozy Mystery
Free Coloring Book for The Sculptor’s Knife
The Ghostly Lady SculptureJasmine, the Amateur SleuthSugar Kitty, Jasmine’s Snarky CatKevin and Dawn, Managers of the Art CenterThe Brightcliffe Center for the ArtsBarbara, The Mean Chairman of the BoardSergio, The Famous SculptorLarge Artwork in the GalleryVisitor Admiring the ArtworkBarbara and John discussing the theftBeautiful PortraitThe Ghostly Lady Sculpture is Gone!Sugar Kitty in the YardDetective LanglyBonus Coloring Book PageDelores, The Other SculptorJasmine Admiring a Large PaintingMr Deveau, The Art Dealer