Dear Cozy Mystery Lovers,
As cozy mystery authors, one of the most exciting parts of the creative process is crafting the perfect settings for our stories. From quaint villages to cozy rural towns, our settings play a crucial role in shaping our mystery’s atmosphere, mood, and overall vibe.
In a previous article, we looked at what we were passionate about, such as cooking, gardening, or horseback riding. Then, we started thinking about crimes a villain could commit while doing those things. Then we pictured a main character who absolutely had to solve the crime, or she would never find peace.
Cozy Mystery Settings are Everywhere
As for where our stories take place, we can draw inspiration from our personal experiences, such as the places we’ve lived. I’m most familiar with rural settings. But rural settings are not our only option. Cruises, beaches, mansions, and book shops are favorite settings among cozy mystery readers and writers.

I love exploring local neighborhoods, shops, and landmarks in search of hidden gems and quirky locales. From cozy cafes to eccentric antique stores, these local haunts often provide the perfect setting for interesting plotlines and colorful characters.
So now, we need to establish a setting for our current cozy mystery. It must be a place where our character can live and sleuth in. We call this world-building, and it’s well worth our time to flesh it out in our minds and on paper. For my Gemstone novel, A Horse Dreams of Murder, I drew a map of the town and the surrounding county areas. I located where the (imaginary) Trout River would be in relation to the Gemstone Country Store, where my main character, Crystal Pemberlain, lives and works.
Try Your Hand at Creating a Cozy Mystery Setting
If you want to try your hand at creating a cozy mystery setting, go for it. What crime will your villain commit in your story? What are some of the best settings for this crime? Where will your sleuth live? If she has a job, where does she work? Sketch out the town so it becomes firm in your mind. You can change it later; it’s just a sketch at this point.
Search the internet, looking for ideas for your setting. In fact, every book has several settings, both indoors and outdoors. Collect some images and describe what you see.

In cozy mysteries, the setting serves as more than just a backdrop; it almost becomes a character in its own right. Let your imagination run wild as you choose a setting for your story. Spend some time with your setting, describing it in words and sketches. Once it’s clear in your mind, you can make it come alive to your readers.
Happy reading and writing!